Today Sony unveiled its lineup for the Tokyo Game Show. Here is the list, via
LittleBigPlanet 2
Killzone 3
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
MotorStorm 3
Tokyo Jungle
Sly Cooper Collection
Heroes On The Move
Hustler King
Me & My Pet
Ape Escape Fury! Fury!
Beat Sketch!
Echochrome II
High Velocity Bowling
Kung Fu Rider
Sports Champions
The Fight: Lights Out
The Shoot
Tsumiki BLOQ
TV Superstars
Start the Party!
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Patapon 3
Also mentioned were some third-party titles, two unannounced games (one PS3, one PSP), and a handful of notable up-and-coming names on the PlayStation Portable.
Microsoft announced its brief TGS lineup yesterday, but Sony appears to be ready for a very big show.
Check back for more TGS 2010 news and information before the show officially runs September 16-19.