Space-adventure set on our Lunar neighbor Deliver Us The Moon out now

Get your ass to Mars the Moon

Developer KeokeN Interactive is celebrating the launch of their story-driven adventure game Deliver Us The Moon. The game launched initially a year ago but the developer decided to pull it from stores to polish and improve it. Check out the launch trailer!

It might very well be that you feel like having a déjà vu after reading this news, and it makes a lot of sense. Deliver Us The Moon isn’t launching for the first time actually. The Kickstarter success originally came out in September 2018 for PC but the developer simply wasn’t satisfied how the game turned out on launch. They took the rare decision to unlist their game from digital stores and went on to invest another year into improving their game. It looks like KeokeN is finally happy to release their game once again today.

We’re over the moon to finally be launching Deliver Us The Moon today. It took the human race thousands of years to get there, but I’m happy to say we made it in four! We are hugely thankful to the community who supported us through this long development and to our partners. You’ve truly been with us every step of this incredible journey.

In Deliver Us The Moon, players take over the role of the last astronaut on earth, tasked with going to an abandoned Moon colony. While it sounds fitting for a horror game, you can rest assured that the story evolves rather around discovering what happened to the colony which was founded to deliver resources for the Earth. Throughout your adventure, you’ll explore abandoned facilities and collect clues what happened to the colony.

Deliver Us The Moon is available today for PC via Steam & GOG. The developers are working on console ports and aim to release them on PlayStation 4 and Xbox in 2020.