Spawn Reboot creator isn’t “worried about the superhero shtick” that Marvel and DC are producing

'It'll be a supernatural movie'

Spawn Reboot creator isn't "worried about the super hero shtick" that Marvel and DC are producing

By now it's no secret that Spawn creator Todd McFarlane is not rushing the Spawn Reboot into production. In speaking with Syfy Wire, McFarlane reveals that he has fielded many calls about the film from a multitude of producers, but maintains a stance that he must direct the movie which he thinks can be done on a relatively modest budget of $10 million. He says that's he's been told that making the film at $10 million isn't possible, but he remains steadfast in his vision of a "tight" film that he believes can work at that price point.

McFarlane attributes the doubt from "big studios" to the idea that Spawn has a "superhero" label attached to it, and with that comes certain expectations. With DC and Marvel pumping out big budget blockbusters left and right, McFarlance says he isn't "worried about the superhero shtick" that the big two have established since Spawn aims to be a "supernatural" film rather than a "superhero" one. Admittedly, the label is not something that will go away.

McFarlane said:

"I'm never going to be able to rub the superhero title off of it because I grew up as a superhero artist, we started it, [Spawn] came out as a superhero and he sort of evolved over the 25 years as a character."

He continued:

"I just wanna do a story that I think is conducive to the age of my audience….and not worried about the superhero shtick. It's being done quite well. Marvel and DC, knock yourselves out. There will be no lack or shortage of it."

At this point, don't expect the Spawn Reboot to happen anytime soon, as McFarlane has only the first draft of the script done. On the plus side, he says that of the calls he's fielded about it, no one has explicitly told him that he couldn't direct, he's just not selling it at this time. Suffice it to say; it's going to be a wait.

Source: [Syfy Wire]