Spelunky 2 finally gets more details and screenshots

Every bit of info is heartily welcomed

Indie developer Derek Yu has at long last released some new screenshots about his sequel to one of the best rogue-lite games out there. The game creator also shared information about the game’s development which you can read in full over on his post on the PlayStation Blog.

The original Spelunky is one of the highlights during the early days of the indie revolution from the last decade. Underneath the deceptively cute-looking platformer lies a staggeringly deep and likewise punishing rogue-like where no run is the same. This ingenious game design forces players to get masters of the game’s mechanics where simple memorization or leveling up is just no option.

The game was ported to pretty much every system over its lifespan but naturally, fans were hoping for a proper sequel. No matter how many hours you can spend in the original. Finally, Spelunky 2 was officially unveiled two years ago as PS4 and PC exclusive. The developer originally aimed for a 2019 release but alas that didn’t happen. So, at last we get confirmation right from Derek Yu that development is going well.

Yu also highlighted some choice aspects of Spelunky 2 with the first one being generally improved visuals from the initial reveal. It’s true, the few screens shown today highlight a much more enhanced lighting system in particular.

But gameplay is king and Yu has some good news on that front, as well. New items and characters are going to help personalize each run to an even larger extent. With Spelunky 2, Yu also plans to establish the Deathmatch mode from the original as a similarly popular alternative to the regular Adventure game mode. There’s no question that the lack of online game somewhat diminished both co-op and deathmatch, so it’s great to see Spelunky 2 embrace multiplayer.

Sadly, there is still no word on a release date but we hope to see the game sometime this year on store shelves.