Spider-Man: Miles Morales Update enables Ray Tracing in 60fps mode

Shiny Spidey

Owners of a PlayStation 5 got a new reason to jump back into the excellent Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Insomniac Games pushed out a new update to the open-world superhero game that enables ray tracing effects in the 60fps performance mode.

While Miles Morales isn’t a full exclusive for Sony’s new console, it’s without a doubt the best place to play. PS4 users have no choice of experiencing the game at butter-smooth 60 framerates. Nor does the old game system allow for the use of modern ray tracing effects.

Sure, the jump from 30fps to 60fps is a much bigger leap at the end of the day. But the sheer fact of Spider-Man: Miles Morales taking place in the urban jungle on New York City makes ray tracing a big boon.

The glass facades of the city’s towering buildings are the perfect place to show off the PlayStation 5’s ray tracing reflections. Anyone who played the Miles Morales already in RT mode or saw video footage knows that it really makes a big difference when you can see accurate reflections while climbing and swinging.

But up until now, gamers on the PS5 had to choose between either 60fps or ray tracing. Thankfully, the tech wizards over at Insomniac Games poured a lot of work into a new patch to solve this. No longer do you have to choose but you can enjoy both high framerates and ray traced reflections.

That’s literally the best of both worlds. Naturally, this new ‘Performance RT Mode’ comes with concessions. The fidelity of reflections is of lower quality. As is the resolution of the game. Thankfully, early reports are very positive. Pointing towards a very stable 60fps with ray tracing. And to be fair, while 4K resolution is nice, we’ve long reached the point of diminishing returns on that front.