July 18, 2000 From:
N’Lightning Software Development Inc. FOR
Further Information Contact: Ralph Bagley, CEO N’Lightning
Software Development Inc. 541-245-9309 SPIRITUALITY
OREGON – Wading through buckets of video blood seems to be the norm in the
gaming industry – not anymore. Now anyone can experience fast action realistic
gaming without mom raising an eyebrow. For
years, the gaming industry has made an art form out of violence to humans,
blood, gore and bullets. "Spiritual warfare games are unheard of. This
game opens up new territory to people of all ages and creed."
‘Catechumen’ is an adventurous first person game set in ancient Rome based on
Christian Scriptures taken from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. All
the components of a lively, fast action CD game including 3D graphics, digital
soundtrack, an engaging story line, and first person perspective in a hunt or
be hunted format are present. The components are put to use in ‘Catechumen’
with the addition of several story elements to create an exciting, highly
engaging adventure. Ralph
Bagley, CEO states "Scripture based games are rare, our children need an
alternative source to obtain high quality games without the violence. This
game will also appeal to the secular markets as it was developed to be
inoffensive to those with different or no religious preferences." We
gathered a very diverse pool of beta testers for the initial demo. The
response from our beta testers has been tremendous in helping us to improve
the game. Chris Hill summed it all up by saying "Catechumen is an awesome
game, with the wonderful, new style, theme!" Other comments have been
equally as appealing "I love it, and you guys have a winner here I loved
it" stated Chad Doriguzzi. N’Lightning
Software has met with and received praise by 28 national religious
organizations that are willing to endorse the game. A
Three level Demo is available to download free from the website, N’Lightning
Software Development is an Oregon corporation. The mission statement of the
company is to create clean, exciting and entertaining games, as well as other
related consumer goods.
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