Splatoon producer suggests plans for post-launch content

Woo, more DLC!

We live in a day and age of post-launch video game DLC, typically announced prior to the game's release. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt hasn't even been released, but we know about 16 pieces of free content (which is awesome) for the game and two massive expansions that come at a price (both available after launch).

The recently released Mortal Kombat X had its DLC revealed prior to release and Evolve even had drama around the game's DLC, but what about Nintendo's Wii U game? Will that have DLC too?

Splatoon's producer, Hisashi Nogami revealed that Splatoon will, in fact, have post-launch content:

"We can't go into a lot of detail on that today, but we do have some plans to follow up with content to keep interest in the game post-launch. We on the development team are thinking of the launch as a first step of sorts. We hope to add to that in terms of content, and even to the degree that we're hoping that this will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of."

The nature of the content has not been revealed, what it will be or whether it will be free as an update or if it will come at a price. But one thing is for sure, Nogami makes sure to state the developers are more focused on releasing the game, than they are creating DLC for it, and that's admirable.
