As part of the Star Wars Variant Play Arts Kai line, Square Enix has taken Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and your average Stormtrooper, and given them a bit of a makeover. While the overall look of each character's costume is largely the same — following the original color palette — the tone that each design emits is one of a darker, grittier feel.
They're probably a bit too dark for the typical family-friendly tone of Star Wars, but can you imagine these in a gritty Star Wars reboot? I wouldn't even mind these kind of designs in EA's upcoming Star Wars Battlefront.
For you collectors out there, each figure is priced at 12,960 yen, or about $108. Darth Vader is out in May, but the newly revealed Stormtrooper and Boba Fett won't be available until July.
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