Square Enix’s redesign of iconic Star Wars characters will blow your mind

Square Enix's 'Variant' toy line offers gritty take on iconic Star Wars characters

As part of the Star Wars Variant Play Arts Kai line, Square Enix has taken Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and your average Stormtrooper, and given them a bit of a makeover. While the overall look of each character's costume is largely the same — following the original color palette — the tone that each design emits is one of a darker, grittier feel.

They're probably a bit too dark for the typical family-friendly tone of Star Wars, but can you imagine these in a gritty Star Wars reboot? I wouldn't even mind these kind of designs in EA's upcoming Star Wars Battlefront.

For you collectors out there, each figure is priced at 12,960 yen, or about $108. Darth Vader is out in May, but the newly revealed Stormtrooper and Boba Fett won't be available until July.

[Amiami.com 12 ,3]