Square Enix wants you to pitch them ideas for the next Gex, Fear Effect, Anachronox game

Talk about lazy.

Square Enix fully launched their Collective program a year ago. The program was intended to allow developers to create games based off of old Eidos IPs. It works like an episode of Shark Tank, the developers pitch their ideas at Square Enix and the company either condemns the ideas into the obscurity of the internet or agrees to push them forward via crowd funding.

This is a very lazy way of bringing old IPs to life, but it definitely allows the people who love the games to take the reigns and give the community the game they really want. At least the remakes will be shaped by people who love the series and will get a limited amount of funding, so that it's hopefully good.

I'm not knocking on crowdfunded games, ok? I'm just concerned for the fate of Gex, Fear Effect and Anachronox — the first three games to become a part of the Square Enix Collective. The nice part is that after the game hits its goal through crowdfunding Square Enix will support the development from there, which spells out hope to me. 

If Gex doesn't get pitched or funded, I will assume the worst for the outcome of the world. Where would we be without a talking gecko that has interesting lines like:

"A little tongue now, a lot of tail later."

"All this technology and Shatner still can't get a good hairpiece."

"The natives will trade four of their women for the one with the golden hair."

Catch me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ