Square Opens Teaser Site for Dissidia Final Fantasy 012

The first thing you’ll notice when directing your browser to Square’s new Dissidia official teaser site? That there’s a 12 in there. Somewhere. Twelve what though? Twelve Monkeys? Will it be released in 2012? Is twelve the number of people that Square is hoping will buy the game after it’s formally announced as a PSP exclusive in Japan, only to be released on the 3DS half a year later as an “international” version? Only time will tell.

Although the site doesn’t consist of anything more than a few music samples for now, along with accompanying text translating to roughly “the story of defeat in approach of the final battle” or some such, Square is hoping to have a playable form of the game for fans lucky enough to attend TGS later this week.

The game is currently scheduled to be released in 2011, with Final Fantasy XIII’s Lightning and Final Fantasy IV’s Kain as confirmed characters.

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Jason is a journalist based out in California. He is currently part of the freelance writing staff for GameZone. Prior to working with GameZone, Jason had previously worked for Gaming Target aggregating over fifty reviews and previews of different video games ranging from Xbox 360 RPGs to PC Bishoujo Games. He graduated from the University of California- Santa Barbara, with a B.A. in Liberal Arts/Film Studies.