Back in December we reported that Double Fine Productions was taking its charming adventure puzzle game Stacking to the PC. There was no specific date at the time of that announcement, but we knew the game was coming sometime in spring.
Well, the day has arrived, folks. Stacking launched for PC today, and you can head on over to Steam to download it this very instant. The game is priced at $14.99, but you can currently buy it for just $9.99, which is mighty generous.
Even more generous is the fact that Stacking comes bundled with The Lost Hobo DLC absolutely free of charge. Additionally, you can shell out $19.99 for the Double Fine bundle, which includes Psychonauts, Costume Quest, and Stacking. But hurry, because the bundle will only be $19.99 for a short while, and then it will go up to $29.99.
If you have yet to play Stacking, you really should give it a chance. The game garnered a bunch of praise. GameZone's own Mike Splechta awarded Stacking with a great score of 8 / 10 on Xbox Live Arcade many moons ago. Definitely check it out if you dig puzzlers.