Stadia exclusive Super Bomberman R Online out next month

Experience massive 64 player battles

Konami has announced that the massively-multiplayer Super Bomberman R Online is launching next month, September 1st. The ambitious game will be a Stadia exclusive and you can watch the new trailer right here!

Things got eerily quiet about Google’s entry into the hardcore gaming scene. Stadia’s road towards launch was a fascinating and exciting romp that was filled with skepticism and excitement but it all ultimately fizzled out fairly quickly.

One of the biggest reasons besides the technical nature, requirements, and hurdles were a general lack of a game library. After all, even if we’re talking about a brave new world where games are streamed right from the cloud, if you don’t have anything interesting to play everything else becomes mute.

With the new Battle 64 mode, players will automatically be placed in one of many areas at the start of each match, and must battle it out against other players in the same area. Areas will begin to close down as the clock ticks and players must pass through the gates to the other remaining areas before the timer runs out!
Those who make it to the last remaining area must battle it out to become the last one standing!!

It’s exactly that reason why platform exclusives will always play a big role in a service’s success. Super Bomberman R Online is without a doubt one of the more interesting exclusives Google managed to snag for Stadia.

By offering a massive multiplayer part that allows for up to 64 players to battle it out in the timeless action of Bomberman, Stadia could possibly have a real gem in their hands. Since Stadia didn’t manage to establish a large user base that rivals the likes of PlayStation or Xbox, it remains to be seen how active this online-focused spin-off of the Switch original will become in the end.