Darth Vader has been confirmed as one of the main antagonists in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'.
With the success of the newest iteration of the Star Wars trilogy kicking off with last year's The Force Awakens, Disney made the decision to expand the brand and move forward with an array of shared universe spin-off films, the first of which being the upcoming 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
The story centers on the brave rebel brigade who snuck aboard the original Death Star and stole the plans that would ultimately allow them to destroy it. Despite a series of re-shoots due to an unsatisfactory first cut, it seems the project is finally coming to fruition. Considering the backdrop for the plot, its been theorized that Darth Vader would be making his triumphant return to the Star Wars mythos as the main antagonist.
Entertainment Weekly just dropped the preview for the cover of their July issue, which says very clearly beneath the title "Darth Vader is Back!" The new issue is expected reveal more details on his involvement, as well as the new cast, but nothing more than that will be known until next month when the new issue hit newstands.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story releases December 16th!