It was inevitable that Luke Skywalker was going to come face to face with his nephew, Ben Solo at some point in the new Star Wars trilogy, and it seems that it's likely to happen in Star Wars: Episode VIII. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Daisy Ridley (Rey) and Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) all landed together at Belfast International Airport today in Ireland, sparking speculation as to what it could mean for the movie.
It was previously rumored that Kylo Ren was going to find his way to the lost planet of Ahch-To, the home of the first Jedi Temple, and the location of his uncle Luke Skywalker that he spent all of The Force Awakens trying to track down.
Given Kylo Ren's failure to defeat Rey and prevent Starkiller Base from being destroyed, you might surmise in Episode VIII we could see Ben on a mission to redeem himself in the eyes of his Supreme Leader, if not have a completely different agenda from The First Order all together.
Director Rian Johnson is making great headway on the movie, as it is currently over halfway done filming in only a matter of months. Seriously, is it December 2017 yet?
Sources: [, Getty Images]