Star Wars: Episode VIII to begin filming this month

The Star Wars conveyor belt is up and running!

There are a bunch of Star Wars films on the way, and by a bunch I mean five films before 2020. While J.J. Abrams and his crew Star Wars: Episode 7 The Force Awakens wrap up filming for their December release, Episode 8 is lifting off from the development phase.

Star Wars Episode 8 will be picking up right where Episode 7 left off — Skellig Michael, Ireland. Filming at this location will begin this month take about two to four days, which gives the impression that it will either be a grueling two day shoot or a more relaxed four day event.

From what we know Looper's Rian Johnson is set to direct Episode 8, with Benicio Del Toro acting as the villain and J.J. Abrams will act as supreme overseer for the rest of films. With Episode 8 entering filming, Episode 9 is furthering its development with Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow, who recently teased us with a look at his Lucasfilm notebook.