Star Wars Rogue One gets behind the scenes video and new poster

Hype hype hype

Star Wars fans are living in a great time with new movies and games coming each year. Today, fans were blessed with a behind the scenes look at the up coming Star Wars Rogue One as well as a new poster.

The fine folk working on Star Wars are currently hosting an event of their own called "Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016" and as part of the event they release a behind the scenes look at their new blockbuster movie, Rogue One.

The behind the scenes video shows off some new footage and from the looks of it Rogue One is both grim and action packed. Additionally, the video revealed that a lot of explosions and filming locations were real and not made in studios,  as well as commentary from both actors and producers bringing it further to life.

A new poster for Rogue One has also been revealed, a poster many Star Wars fans wish they had on their walls. The poster for Rogue One is in a different style than the others which is fitting considering that Rogue One will not be your classic Jedi versus Sith story, it will be a sort of stand alone film set between Episode III and IV.

Rogue One gz

If you somehow managed to miss the first teaser trailer for Rogue One then watching it before the behind the scenes is recommended, or the Fallout 4 version of it if that's more your style.