Star Wars: Rogue One’s final cut will include scenes with actors sustaining real-life injuries


By now we know that Star Wars: Rogue One intends to be a very different Star Wars movie. There's much talk about grittiness and the focus on the "war aspect" of the Empire vs. the Rebels conflict. And while it's tough for me to buy into what the advertisements are saying (Seriously Erso, I get it, you don't like following rules), it's cool that at least the filmmakers aren't against a little authenticity.

In an interview with Mexican Vanity Fair, Diego Luna talked about some of the processes that went into shooting his scenes, revealing that he was quite beaten up when all was said and done. He said:

"I took a lot of injuries. My chest still hurts a lot. There are some accidents that will actually end up in the final cut of the film. In a scene where we were running against a strong wind I badly hurt my cornea while trying to remove some debris from my eye. I used a patch during the last days of filming."

Ouch. It sounds like the actors will be earning their paychecks. 

Star Wars: Rogue One releases in theaters on December 16, 2016.

Source: [Vanity Fair via GamesRadar]