Star Wars: The Last Jedi sneak peak shown off at Disney shareholder meeting

'Who are you?'

Star Wars: The Last Jedi sneak peak shown off at Disney shareholder meeting

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is still mostly a mystery to us all, but a lucky few that attended a Disney shareholder meeting in Denver, Colorado today got a small, but very exclusive look at what are the opening moments of the film. As we already know, Episode VIII takes place immediately after the end of The Force Awakens when Rey finds Luke Skywalker looking (brooding) over a cliff before saying a whole lot of nothing, keeping fans everywhere on edge. Mild spoilers follow from here.

Here's the spoiler line.


3, 2, 1, it's your fault now.

Disney CEO Bob Iger set up the clip reveal by saying, "When we last saw Rey at the end of The Force Awakens, you remember she had just found Luke Skywalker on that faraway refuge on that cliff on that island. We make a point of revealing very little from our upcoming Star Wars films, we want to keep it a secret, But we’re making an exception today, showing right after that scene when that lightsaber was handed to its rightful owner. A lot has happened in two years."

LA Times reporter Daniel Miller (wonderful name BTW) was on hand and live tweeted a few key details, including what may very well be Luke's first words in the film. Here are some of those tweets:

Star Wars: Episode VIII's title, The Last Jedi, was confirmed back in January, prompting a variety of reactions across the internet (including Mark Hamill's) as well questions regarding who the title was referring to. Benicio del Toro will also be appearing in the film, playing a character currently known as "The Man in Black," but a recent leak may point to a very familiar name.

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15th, 2017.

Sources: [Gamespot, USA Today