StarCraft Universe Evolves with Fan Made Video Legacy

Blizzard’s creation of the StarCraft universe in 1998 has led to an extensive following over its thirteen year reign.  Fan sites, fan fiction, fan clips, and fan art has been rising from the internet since the release.  Through the years of improved technology, more games and expansions, and novels; official StarCraft universe lore has been streaming in.  Fandom has continued their trend of producing amazing visual and textual masterpieces to coincide with the Blizzard created sci-fi realm.         

Chris "Freespace"  Ciocotisan and the StarCraft Legacy team created such an original piece of art.  His video “Final Metamorphoses” is a stunning display of StarCraft beauty.  He uses original voice and graphics during this 7:30 long video.  The video shows moments and events from across all edges of StarCraft lore.  “Final Metamorphoses” is a StarCraft fan boy’s (or girl, I don’t discriminate) dream.  I don’t want to give any more of the video away, so just watch it yourself.  To see the video on YouTube click HERE or watch it below.