Starfury Pre-Order Madness Hits Galactic Proportions

Starfury Pre-Order Madness Hits Galactic Proportions

The pre-orders are multiplying faster than lovecrazy Tribbles!


NC, 22 July 2003 — Malfador Machinations’ Space Empires series has always been
extremely popular, with legions of faithful fans, yet no one at Shrapnel Games
could have predicted the awesome response generated so far by the announcement
of Space Empires: Starfury. The number of pre-orders has been astounding,
reaching stellar proportions in a matter of weeks. And pre-orders continue to
climb, with no slow down in sight!


been amazing," Tim Brooks, president and founder of Shrapnel Games says of the
level of pre-orders. "Starfury’s pre- orders have broken all the records for us.
While we’re pleasantly surprised, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised since we
know the mere mention of a new Space Empires game will start gamers around the
world salivating. And with good reason.


Hall is a genius when it comes to galaxy spanning gaming."


Hall, the man behind Malfador and the Space Empires saga, has also been blown
away. "When Tim told me the numbers I had to sit down. From the number of
e-mails I get concerning the game I knew there were a lot of fans anxiously
awaiting it, but never in my wildest dreams did I think the pre-orders would be
so high. I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has pre-ordered, you
won’t be disappointed!"


Shrapnel Games would also like to extend their gratitude to everyone who has
pre-ordered Space Empires: Starfury. We make games not to make some corporate
weenie happy at the end of the fourth quarter, but to give you, the gamer, the
best experience possible. By the level of interest shown in Space Empires:
Starfury it is obvious that you know that true. We thank you for supporting
Shrapnel Games and Malfador Machinations.


you’d like to find out more about this upcoming action packed sci-fi title
please go to:

You can even join the ever growing number of fans who have pre-ordered by
clicking on the "Order Now" link! In doing so you’ll even save $5.00 off the
regular price.