Start earning Thor: Goddess of Thunder today in Marvel Puzzle Quest

Last day to play as her in Lightning Rounds

Thor: Goddess of Thunder has been playable in Marvel Puzzle Quest via the Lightning Rounds since yesterday. New Lightning Rounds have started every two hours, and each time the top five players get Anniversary Recruit Tokens. Don't worry, it's not that hard to get top five; I don't dump money into recruiting and leveling my characters, and I've finished fifth a few times.

While the Lightning Rounds conclude at 9:59 PM PST/11:59 PM EST today, October 17, you'll be able to start earning Thor: Goddess of Thunder as an end of Season VII reward at 10:00 AM PST.

In my time playing as Thor: Goddess of Thunder in the Lightning Rounds, I've fallen in love with her abilities. She brings with her a new special tile type called Charged tiles. Charges tiles have a lightning effect on them and will increase the AP and damage of that tile when it is matched. Her abilities are:

  • Red (Smite) – Deals direct damage and deals additional damage for each Charged tile on the board.
  • Yellow (Striking Distance) – She will give AOE damage and converts enemy special tiles to Charge tiles.
  • Blue (Power Surge) – Stuns the target enemy and places Charged tiles on the board.

Power Surge's stun is awesome, but be warned that it doesn't deal damage. Keep in mind, when using Thor in the Lightning Rounds, she is boosted to level 100, so her abilities are doing a really good amount of damage. Little tip: use your blue and yellow powers to charge tiles before using your red power (Smite). Smite does a little over 2,000 damage on its own, but when there are charged tiles on the board, it was doing between 4k and 6k damage. That really changes the tide in a match.

Good luck in getting Thor: Goddess of Thunder!