Day 8 of the Steam Summer Sale is filled with oldies, but definitely some goodies. Today's daily deals include a number of pretty big games, though I'm sure you've probably played many of them by now. Here's what we've got today:
- Train SImulator 2014: $8.24
- Dishonored: $4.99
- Left 4 Dead 2: $4.99
- Total War Rome II: $20.37
- Banished: $9.99
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag: $19.99
- Resident Evil 4: $11.99
- Civilization V: $7.49
- Europa Universalis IV: $9.99
Like I said, good games, but these are games you probably bought at launch.
And for those keeping up with the Summer Adventure, Red Team won big. That means three free games for 30 randomly selected contributors.