Capcom has announced that it will be releasing a live-action series based on the Street Fighter franchise. Titled Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist, the series will tell the story of Ken and Ryu's early days in Japan, where they mastered the Ansatsuken (Assassin's Fist) fighting style.
The upcoming series was announced by series producer Yoshinori Ono. While specific release details haven't been revealed, Assassin's Fist is scheduled to debut in 2013.
The lore and style of the Street Fighter franchise is said to be a strong focal point for the live-action series. It should be interesting seeing what producer Jacqueline Quella (Romanzo Criminale, Don't Tell, The Toolbox Murders) and director Joey Ansah (The Bourne Ultimatum, Snow White and the Huntsman, The Numbers Station) deliver when the series launches next year.
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