Study shows Call of Duty players more likely to be conservative

UK analysts reveal sensational correlations

A new study coming out of the United Kingdom has suggested that Call of Duty players are three times more likely to hold conservative political views. 

These shocking statistics have been revealed by internet market research firm YouGov as they conducted a survey to find the most popular game in the country. However, the survey seemingly unearthed a more political, and rather shocking correlation.

UK studies revealed that not only are Call of Duty fans three times more likely to support Conservative political views, but fans of The Sims are more likely to support The Labour Party. For those that are not aware, Labour is a centre-left political party – based across the pond – that is fondly known as the "party of the working man."

Labour has faced many difficulties in the last 5-10 years after failing to win the last two elections, with many party activists arguing that the party is no longer a "true alternative." This has sparked the rise of other political parties such as The UK Independence Party (UKIP,) spear-headed by a man that has featured quite regularly on FOX News, Mr Nigel Farage.

This study revealed that Grand Theft Auto 5 is most popular among UKIP voters, a game that has been ranked second in the UK's most loved games. 
