Sunset Overdrive has quadruple the amount of dialogue that Resistance 3 had

Whenever I think about Sunset Overdrive — like in my wild, fantasy dreams — not once have I thought about the effort that Insomniac Games has put into the game's dialogue. It's all about the guns! Right?

Not quite. As revealed by Insomniac Games community manager Brandon Winfrey, Insomniac Ggames has actually put a ton of effort into Sunset Overdrive's dialogue.

"We recorded for [Sunset Overdrive] than we ever have as a studio," Winfrey revealed this this week's episode of Sunset TV. "Our final line count is a lot."

"To put it in perspective, it's almost quadruple what Resistance 3 was," he added.

Insomniac also revealed the two main voice actors in the game. Since you create your own character in Sunset Overdrive, Insomniac actually had to record dialogue for both a male and female character. Voicing the male protagonist is Yuri Lowenthal whose resume includes voice overs for Ben in Ben Ten and Sasuke from Naruto. Bringing the female character to life is Stephanie Lemelin who played Artemis in Young Justice.

Check out this week's episode of Sunset TV below.