With E3 right around the corner, and the promise of new details for Xbox One's Sunset Overdrive coming this week, Insomniac Games has launched a new website dedicated to the in-game drink of choice, OverCharge Delirium XT. The new website doesn't flat out reveal gameplay information, but the details expressed through this mock promotional website do provide some potential hints.
For instance, OverCharge Delirium XT is made by Fizzco, ac company founded in 2007 by Rupert F. Kane, the visionary behind several revolutionary products such as Easy-Peasy shelf meats and MuffinTopps cereal.
"Fizzco's vision is simple: craft the best damn beverages on Earth. Their premier product, UNTZ, achieved that. It's the planet's most popular drink with over 20-billion cans consumed a day. But, never one to settle, Fizzco's now prepping to revolutionize the liquid industry once more with its xtremophile-infused OverCharge Delirium XT," the Fizzco company description reads. In this case, Fizzco is clearly the mega corporation in Sunset Overdrive. The question is are they good or evil?
OverCharge Delirium XT promises to "unlock your wasted potential" by utilizing the "power of xtremophiles." Again, will this serve as the primary resource for casting special abilities for your character, or is it some sort of corporate cover-up for something much bigger? The truth behind OverCharge Delirium and Fizzco remains a mystery, one that will hopefully be revealed in the coming weeks and months.
The website also makes note of locations presumably found within the game. There's a place called Sexburger where "every meal comes with a free side of sex appeal." Then there's Cafe Fizzco, a roadside cafe chain established to "satisfy the world's craving for artisan-crafted, premium-priced caffeinated beverages." Attractions include The Content Channel, or the "soul of humanity," as well as Wondertown Land, a theme park filled with "cutting-edge rides, fairly-priced Farmer Fong Dogs, and fairly-rigged carnival games." Aside from poking fun at the culture in which we live it, it can be assumed that these are actual in-game locations that you'll be visiting.
Elsewhere on the website is information relating to Sunset City Launch parties. Four dates are listed, each corresponding to a major video game convention. It starts on June 9 in Los Angeles which, of course, is E3. Then we have Comic Con in San Diego on July 24, Gamescom in Cologne, Germany on August 13, and PAX Prime in Seattle on August 30.
Sunset Overdrive is an Xbox One exclusive expected to release in 2014.