Super Meat Boy was originally released on Xbox 360 and PC back in 2010, the game was made by Team Meat and offered players a very high difficulty string of levels taken inspiration from old retro games. Today over at the Playstation Blog, Tommy Refenes co-founder of Team Meat, told us exactly why Super Meat Boy never came to Playstation 3 and why it's now making it to the Playstation 4 & PS Vita.
"When Super Meat Boy was launched, Team Meat wasn’t allowed to bring it to PS3 for very complicated reasons. They hated that they had to alienate the loyal PlayStation fans who desperately wanted the game but couldn’t have it. They felt their pain as PlayStation fans had to suffer for years without the greatest platformer ever made by two guys named Tommy and Edmund. Team Meat was very sad about this, but what could they do? Their hands were tied.
"Earlier this year, Team Meat got an unexpected gift. The gods smiled upon them and opened up a teeny tiny sliver of a path that could eventually lead them to re-release Super Meat Boy. Even though the path would be difficult they knew they owed it to their fans to at least try.
"Fast forward to today. We walked that arduous path and with a lot of hard work, a little convincing, and huge scoops of luck we are now here today with huge smiles on our faces to say:
What makes the deal even sweeter (or meatier) is that PS Plus subscribers will get the game at no additional cost when it launches on both the PS4 and PS Vita. Not too shabby considering PlayStation gamers had to wait nearly five years to play it.
Super Meat Boy will be available in the Fall of 2015