Supercell thinking of selling Clash of Clans merchandise

Supercell is thinking about selling Clash of Clans merchandise. Given the popularity of the game, I'm surprised they didn't think of this sooner. But before they actually go through the headache of all this licensing and red tape that I'm sure comes with such a business decision, they first want to know if it's something you — the players — want.

Over on Supercell's website, the developer is hosting a survey in which they ask four questions regarding Clash of Clans merchandise. The first, and most important, is if you're actually interested in buying merchandise. The second is what types of merchandise you'd like to see. The final questions ask what you would "expect from Clash of Clans merchandise" and if there's anything else you'd like to share about the idea.

If the success of Angry Birds' merchandise is any indication, then I think Supercell would be making a brilliant business decision by offering something for Clash of Clans. Plus, who wouldn't want a boar rider plushy?

To take the survey, head here.