Supergiant Games is showing live footage of Pyre on the Extra Life stream

Supergiant Games' new game

Supergiant Games is going to show live footage of their latest game, Pyre, on the Extra Life charity stream. If you're not familiar with Supergiant Games, you've probably heard of their previous games, Bastion and Transistor, indie darlings that stood apart from their peers by virtue of their artistic direction and rock solid gameplay.

Pyre has a lot to live up to, and continues the Supergiant Games tradition of starting their new games from complete scratch. Unrelated to their previous works, Pyre involves players controlling a character called the Reader, due to being the only literate character, and guiding a trio of exiles through purgatory. The Reader can support the party by telling them to scavenge, uncovering lore, and improving the other members' skills.

Supergiant Games always seems to come up with twists on presentation that set their games apart, and Pyre is no exception Here the twist is that the combat unfolds as a type of sport: When the party encounter's another group of exiles, a Rite begins, which can be described as a strange, purgatorial combo of soccer and rugby. It sounds crazy, because it is.

Those interested can watch the Extra Life twitch stream here.