Supermassive Games hides pumpkins in Until Dawn for Halloween fun

Even if you don't find a pumpkin, there's a free new PS4 theme!

Until Dawn isn't only about accidently letting your friends die because of the decisions you made and surviving being stalked by a psychopathic murder in a remote mountain getaway. Well, maybe it is – but- thanks to Halloween there's going to be another aspect to the game.

The latest update to Until Dawn added 11 hidden pumpkins throughout the game, these pumpkins will only appear around Halloween and the goal is to find them all. 

"They aren't all easy to find and you might have to move the camera around to spot all of them," writes Executive Producer, Pete Samuels. "If you find one, take a screenshot and tag it with #UntilDawnPumpkin. We'll be keeping an eye on how many people spot them and will retweet some of our favourites–so get searching!"

So, when you're done trying to not die… Find yourself a pumpkin or 11.

We aren't entirely sure if there's a prize for finding all the pumpkins, but we do know there's a new free Until Dawn theme for the PS4.

Until Dawn