SyFy cancels the Defiance TV show

The Trionworlds game will continue

Defiance launched back in 2013 when it landed on Xbox 360 and PS3. It initially launched as a full price game with DLC season pass before going the FTP route last summer. If you never got a chance to catch up on Defiance, it was the first game to intergrate a TV show into the game where the players progress would correlate to the show and vice versa. Different timed events would take place in the game based on the show and certain episodes of the TV program were penned according to the choices made in game. It was a new approach that still hasn't been replicated to date. 

According to a recent report by Variety, the show has been cancelled by SyFy after three seasons but the game will continue along on both consoles. Scott Hartsman, the CEO of Trion, stated that 

“Defiance is Trion’s IP and the game will continue exactly as before. The show has always been a fantastic and interesting partner, but the two were always meant to be able to stand on their own, which is why the show was primarily set in St. Louis and the game in the SF Bay Area.”

Defiance is played in a third person format and maintained a large variety of standard story quests and special events that keep you entertained for a while. If you haven't played Defiance yet and you are into MMO's, I'd recommend giving it a shot as the main story line was very detailed with a large variety of weapon tiers and items.