Indie studio KillHouse Games stealthily launched Door Kickers 2: Task Force North. The tactical-shooter is now available on Steam Early Access. Enjoy the launch trailer here!
The first Door Kickers became an instant classic back in 2014. It offered the high-risk action of a SWAT team from a novel top-down view. It included both fast combat yet deep strategical and tactical options. The mixture of genres that each are popular on its own proved a perfect match together.
In essence, the experience is a combination of Rainbow Six Siege’s gripping and brutal action plus the strategic micro-planning of the first Rainbow Six’s planning phase.
Door Kickers 2: Task Force North takes the formula to an even more thrilling military setting. This time, players assume control over an elite Special Ops team. Your adversaries are a proper terrorist network in the Middle East. So, the stakes have never been higher.
You can either go in as a lone wolf or tackle the challenging missions in online co-op of up to 4 players. Destructible environments, real-time combat with the option to pause to plan your next move, and tons of player choice are the highlights here.

The surprise launch of Door Kicker 2 has quite the hilarious backstory. After several delays, a fan who ran out of patience simply demanded the game to be released on the Steam forums. What is usually disregarded by developers actually prompted a response from the developer.
Looks like there really is no end to game development, only a moment when you are confident enough. The hilarious launch proved to be a wise decision, as Door Kickers 2: Task Force North currently sits a massively 95% Positive User Review score on Steam. I guess, sometime even developers only need a little push.