Take a peek at the first gameplay footage for Dragon Age 3: Inquisition

There is little we do know about Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, but then there is a ton we still don't. From what we learned so far, we'll be able to choose our race and customize our armor, our past decisions will matter and transfer over thanks to Dragon Age Keep, and that we can look out for the game in the Fall of 2014.

Aside from a few screenshots, we have yet to see the game in its gameplay state. Thanks to GamesHQMedia, we can get a first look at the gorgeous world of Dragon Age 3, as well as a few combat mechanics.

In this short clip, we first get to see the protagonist roam a settlement, and then quickly shift into a battle against a giant dragon. The next scene shows two spellcasters, one doing an impressive AoE fireball attack, while the other uses his spellbook to shoot out fireballs at enemies. Lastly, we get to see more traditional, melee based combat as a warrior swings his fire-enhanced sword at enemies, and even uses a chain to shoot and bring his enemies closer to him, Scorpion style.

From this short glimpse, it does seem like Dragon Age 3 will offer the similar, faster paced combat of Dragon Age 2, but as IGN has noted, those who preferred the more strategic and methodical combat from Origins, especially PC players, will be delighted to know that this style of combat will be present in the game once again, and on all platforms.