Take-Two Love Nintendo Switch, ‘We’re excited to work with them in the future’

Take-Two says Nintendo is making a great effort to support 3rd parties on Switch

The Nintendo Switch hype has been ramping up for its release in March. Fans are already camping out to get their hands on the console. Nintendo has also gone at length about their third-party support this go-around, including a report on 100 games in development for the Switch. But aren't reports like this merely PR from the company itself? Take-Two steps in to give some of that outside voice we need to confirm this excitement.

Take-Two President Karl Slatoff says, "The folks at Nintendo are making a great effort to support third-party developers, we’re very optimistic on the Switch though we are not announcing anything specific today."

They're not even contractually benefitted to remark on the Switch, as they have nothing announced for it currently, and yet Take-Two is singing praises of what they've seen so far. It's especially good, considering Take-Two's track record of games. They're not particularly known for throw away titles or shovelware. 

Slatoff goes on to say:

"With any new hardware, there is always an element of 'wait and see,' and the install base is going to drive a lot [of Take-Two's level of support]. We're very intrigued and excited about it. The Nintendo folks I think are making a great effort to reach out to third-party developers, which I think is fantastic. I would say we're very optimistic and they're good partners. We're excited to work with them in the future on it."

The Nintendo Switch hits shelves on March 3. Stay tuned to GameZone for all your latest Nintendo Switch and video games news.

[Via WCCFtech]