Tales of Hearts R gets pre-order incentives in the form of costumes

Check 'em out

Were you planning on buying Tales of Hearts R when it releases? You might want to look into pre-ordering it at GameStop or EB Games before you do.

You might be wondering why, well, it's because of the pre-order promotion. If you pre-order it through one of those two retailers you get a special bundle of costumes to enjoy at launch. The costume DLC is definitely woth it if you're invested in the Tales of franchise.


The costume DLC pays a tribute to various Tales of games: 

  • Tales of the Tempest
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
  • Tales of Graces f
  • Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Hearts R is headed to the Vita, but you have the option to play it on the big screen thanks to PlayStation TV support!

The official release date is November 11th – if you want the Digital Limited Edition version you can pick it up on PSN between November 11th and the end of November.