Tank! Tank! Tank! lets you blast people in the face

New screenshots of Tank! Tank! Tank! have surfaced courtesy of Namco Bandai. The game, based on an arcade title of the same name, has you driving around in a tank and blasting enemies. Obviously, the premise is pretty promising on paper.

What I found particularly interesting about these Tank! Tank! Tank! images is the kid's face that appears on the giant pink mech. It looks kind of silly, actually, but I suppose it's meant for comedic value.

Additionally, while this may make me seem like a jerk, I would totally blast that mech because of the face the kid is making. I mean, come on!

Tank! Tank! Tank! will feature arcade action gameplay following the Wii U's launch here in North America this November. Watch out for it you want to shoot annoying-looking kids in the face.

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