Tate’s XBLA Corner: Darkstalkers Resurrection, Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams and DLC Quest: Live Freemium or Die

Welcome to Tate's XBLA Corner where I'll be going over games you either need to download, or avoid at all costs on Microsoft's downloadable service.

This week we attempt to keep our car on course in WRC Powerslide, knockout enemies with deadly shock attacks in Darkstalkers Resurrection, flee from a twisted world in Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams, and find out that Spiderman actually is poser in Alien Spidy.

We also take a look at three of the headlining Xbox LIVE Indie Games, including the witty platformer, DLC Quest: Live Freemium or Die, letting you know if they're worth your points. 

Make sure to tune in every other week to the XBLA corner to see what's hot, and what's not.