Techland is focusing more on experience and less on numbers in Dying Light; Framerate and resolution revealed

What's more important, the experience or the numbers?

Who said FaceBook what dying? Adrian Ciszewski, the senior game producer on Dying Light, took to the social network (not the movie) to reveal the upcoming games' framerate and resolution.

Dying Light is built around a 'Natural Movement' system that allows you to traverse the open world by jumping from between rooftops, buses, over fences and so on. The game is going to be pretty fast paced so it was necessary for the developers to lock out the framerate in a way that allows the best quality in gameplay.

How many frames per second did Techland decide on? Well, it turns out that 30fps is the golden number on consoles – at this framerate the gameplay in Dying Light is "perfectly smooth". While the game will be locked out at 30fps, the resolution will be running natively at 1080p. In the FaceBook post Ciszewski is clear on saying that these are the numbers for the consoles and not for the PC.

Ciszewski did note that Techland is "focusing more on an enjoyable experience and less on numbers."

That's not a bad way of going about developing a game, afterall, you play it for the experience right?


Catch me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ

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