Telltale explains Wolf Among Us season pass problem on Xbox Live

Episode two of Telltale Games' The Wolf Among Us is out on Xbox Live today, but season pass owners of the episodic adventure series are having trouble accessing the episode for free — even though they already technically purchased it.

"We are aware of the issue on Xbox Live Marketplace affecting Season Pass owners of The Wolf Among Us where the user is still prompted to purchase Episode 2 even though they own the Season Pass," Telltale wrote on its support forums.

Apparently, the bug is affecting other games in some way as well — not just The Wolf Among Us:

"There appears to be an issue on Xbox Live affecting multiple titles with [downloadable content] offerings, and Microsoft is actively working to resolve the issue," Telltale wrote. "We apologize for the inconvenience and are hopeful it will be resolved soon."

Telltale reports that Microsoft has found "the underlying issue." The developer will update its forum thread when a fix has been made.

The second episode, Smoke & Mirrors, costs $5 as a standalone purchase — though you'll want to play the first episode so your decisions and their consequences carry over. The season pass, which gets you all the episodes as they release, costs $15.

Smoke & Mirrors arrived yesterday for PC, Mac, and PlayStation 3 and today for Xbox 360. It's due for iOS next week.