Described as "a true breakthrough for the movie industry," Terminator Genisys will play host to the first-ever in-theater video game experience. Prior to the showing of Teminator Genisys at select AMC IMAX locations nationwide, audience members will be invited to "join the Resistance in the Terminator Future War, collaboratively defeating waves of Terminators using their mobile phones."
To participate, audience members only need a Wi-Fi-enabled mobile device. Prior to the game's start, the audience will be invited to join a closed and secure Wi-Fi network, with no download or sign-in of any kind. From there, players will be randomly assigned to one of four teams (red, blue, purple, and gold) and will fight waves of Terminators in three different settings from the movie. The winning team at each showing will receive a limited edition collectible Terminator Genisys poster.
The game is being presented by AMC and IMAX and was designed by Audience Entertainment and Paramount Pictures based on the just-released Terminator Genisys: Revolution game produced by Glu Mobile, available for iOS and Android.
“This is a true breakthrough for the movie industry,” explained Adam Cassels, CMO of Audience Entertainment. “Video games are a multi-billion dollar industry, and merging that with the movies in a way that’s interactive, fun and truly memorable is a very exciting proposition for an industry seeking to innovate. This breakthrough may be equally exciting for the video game industry. The movies offer the very best in screen and sound while providing audiences with a first of its kind, collective, in-person gaming experience.”
The game will debut with the film's nationwide release on July 1st and will be playable at select AMC IMAX theaters in New York (AMC Lincoln Square IMAX 13), Los Angeles (AMC Universal CityWalk 19 with IMAX), San Francisco (AMC Metreon IMAX 16), Boston (AMC Boston Commons IMAX 19) and Dallas (AMC Northpark IMAX 15).