Terra Battle Download Starter update (300k)

Unlock all the things!

Terra Battle is Mistwalker's latest mobile game, created by the father of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi with music composed by Nobuo Uematso, also of Final Fantasy game. It already caught on pretty fast within the GameZone office, but it seems that it's also picking up steam in terms of global downloads.

Mistwalker started their own Download Starter, which works similarly to a Kickstarter, but instead of asking for money, they're basing their stretch goals off of total downloads of the game. If you want to check out the full list of stretch goals, you can check out our previous article on it.

Currently Terra Battle achieved 300k downloads, which means it unlocked these following things:

  • New music by Nobuo Uematsu for the Metal Zone and Hunting Zone
  • New characters by Hideo Minaba (Art Director for Final Fantasy IX/XII)
  • New characters by Nakaba Suzuki (Manga Artist)

You can download the game completely free and contribute to the Download Starter from Google Play or iTunes, and get to try out this phenomenal game for yourself.