Now that the Battleborn Open Beta has wrapped up, the Developers at Gearbox have been crunching seemingly every possible number to bring you the most detailed (and ridiculous) statistics. For starters, the biggest news is that the Open Beta was played by over 2 million players worldwide, which is impressive.
The Development staff was particularly focused on testing three primary aspects of the game, according to them; the number of competitive multiplayer matches, Story Mode runs, and Shard collecting. The final tally is as follows:
- 1.1 Million Competitive Multiplayer matches
- 1.4 Million Story Mode episodes
- 27 Billion Shards collected
Gearbox is promising that since they were able to surpass the goals that they set out for the Open Beta, that they will be sending out a SHiFT code on May 3 for three golden skins, one for ISIC, Benedict, Shayne and Aurox.
The Battleborn Open Beta originally launched on April 8th on PS4 and April 13th for PC and Xbox One. Battleborn is shaping up to be very friendly to PC players especially, as its system requirements aren't as taxing as you might think. If you're still on the fence about the game, you can check out the Battleborn Bootcamp video for more information.
Source: [Battleborn Official Website]