The best way to advertise is to READ YOUR MIND

Sooooo…. remember that scene is that sci-fi movie where advertisements either scan your mind or eyes and know your name or exactly what to pitch to you?  Let’s pick Minority Report for example.  There is that mall scene where Tom Cruise is walking and the cameras scan his eyes to pitch advertisements directly to him.  Yea, well, that might not be science fiction soon.  Let’s watch that scene again for a moment:

Dafuq?  Researchers in New York are doing research to peruse this level of madness.  Through measuring human brain waves the scientists are attempting to find what stimulates people more for both movies and advertisement purposes.  The team is monitoring brain wave activity in people who volunteer to see what film scenes produce a universal response in the viewers. Their data shows a method that could be ‘far more effective than conventional market research techniques.’

This research is literally looking at what we humans react to as a collective species to find what to stimulate more to get a bigger rise out of us!  Whoa.  Sure, this isn’t EXACTLY like Minority Report but I feel like it could be one of the first steps heading towards that path.  The idea of film makers using this technology is kind of exciting but the idea of advertisers using it terrifies me for some reason.  Go ahead and stimulate me during a movie but don’t tell me what to buy!

Watch the clip below and GET OUT OF MY HEAD!       


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ