CBS' The Big Bang Theory and ABC's The Goldbergs are each set to air their own respective Star Wars-themed episodes next month in celebration of Star Wars Day.
The Big Bang Theory's episode, titled "The Proton Transmogrification," reportedly sees the group of geeks gather to celebrate the "holiday" while Sheldon receives visions from his childhood idol, Professor Proton, who acts as a Jedi Master. Professor Proton will serve as Sheldon's own Jedi master, one of the iconic characters from the Star Wars universe (though the exact character is being kept under wraps).
Series co-creator Chuck Lorre said "We were approached by the Lucasfilm people to do something to celebrate Star Wars Day, which was nice." For the episode, CBS teamed with a group of special effects technicians from Lucasfilm's Industrial Light & Magic to recreate Dagobah, the swampy homeworld that served as refuge for Yoda during his exile.
Meanwhile, The Goldbergs, another geeky comedy that airs on the Disney-affiliated ABC network, is also having a special Star Wars episode. For those unfamiliar with this new(er) comedy, it's set in the 1980s and often pays homage to the decade's culture. The episode, titled "A Wrestler Name Goldberg," will follow Adam and his sister Erica as they meet costumed Star Wars fans while waiting in line for the Return of the Jedi theatrical premiere.
Although Star Wars Day is technically May 4 — as in, "May the fourth be with you" — the episode's will debut on each show's respective air date. For The Big Bang Theory that means Thursday, May 1, and The Goldbergs on Tuesday, May 6.
[Image via: IGN]