Before Borderlands became the massive hit that it is today, and before Gearbox decided to make Borderlands 2, there was another game: 'The Border Lands'.
What is this mysterious title I speak of? It's the 16-bit lo-fi game that started it all. It doesn't have the graphics of today's games, but it does pay a nice tribute to those good ol' 16-bit games we used to enjoy as kids.
For you youngins' out there, you might not appreciate what The Border Lands is, but this is the type of stuff I grew up on! Except mine didn't have "wub wub" that you kids get with your games today!
Surprisingly the game is actually fun. Designed with a late 1980's gaming theme in mind, The Border Lands lets you play as one of the four vault hunters that are present in Borderlands 2 — Salvador, Maya, Zero, and Axton. In the game, you'll walk around the level blasting the various enemies you'll encounter on Pandora. Along the way you'll pick up weapon upgrades and level up to increase your character stats which will help you on your adventure.
Get the idea? If not, just check out the awesome video review by the Angry British gamer. Straight out of 1989, this is the first ever known video review, and the only one for The Border Lands.
If you want your own opinion of the game, head on over to the Borderlands 2 site to tackle The Border Lands. It looks like Gearbox has a bunch of other fun mini-games planned as well. Some other titles that are "coming soon" include "Mount Jackmore" and "Gun Off" so be sure to check back for those.
Borderlands 2 will be available internationally on September 21, 2012 and in North America on September 18.