The Deadpool movie is a go!

After the amazingly positive response to the Deadpool test footage, 20th Century Fox announced that they're moving forward with the Deadpool movie. There's even a release date of February 12, 2016. 

Fox already ruined Deadpool with what they did to him in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, so just like Days of Future Past fixing the mistakes in X-Men 3: The Last Stand, I'm sure this will erase the horrors we saw in Origins

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Tim Miller is set to direct the film. Ryan Reynolds, who played Deadpool in Origins, doesn't have a deal in place to star in this film yet, but can you see anyone else playing this character? No, you can't. Reynolds is perfect in this role, if the script does the character justice. 

Also, it has to be rated R. None of this PG-13 bullsh*t. It's Deadpool, for crying out loud. 

You can follow Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ.