The Division Conflict update 1.2 gets detailed in new trailer

Cut that extraction rope baby!

Ubisoft has released a trailer detailing the next free content update 1.2 coming May 24th. It will include a number of new additions and gear sets as well as a new Incursion.

The Incursion, called "Clear Sky", pits you up against even harder enemies then Falcon Lost in a brand new environment. In addition, the update will provide a new 'vendor' per se in the High Value Target (HVT) Officer. He will provide new named, boss targets every day and it will be your mission to track them down and eliminate them.

Dark Zone extractions just got a whole lot harder as enemies now have the ability to cut the rope holding your extracted items before the chopper takes off with them. All new gear sets exclusive to this update are also incoming and specifically geared toward your style of play.

The Conflict is the second free update after Incursion last month, and the first DLC pack in Survival is scheduled to come in June. What do you think of these new additions? Let us know below.