We don't really review movies here on GameZone anymore, but for those who do — last night they were treated to an early screening of Avengers: Age of Ultron. While reviews for the highly anticipated film are embargoed for at least a few weeks still, the excitement of seeing the new film was too much to suppress. Thankfully, the media in attendance were at least able to share their feelings via social media. Sure, it's not full reviews yet, but you get a sense from the overwhelmingly positive tweets that Avengers: Age of Ultron is going to be a huge hit.
Mike Sampson – Screencrush
Avengers 2 is both an amazing sequel and a fantastic setup for the rest of the MCU. So nerdy in the best possible way.
— Mike Sampson (@mjsamps) April 10, 2015
Also, the usual Avengers supporting players stand out this time. Black Widow kicks ass and Hawkeye has the best lines.
— Mike Sampson (@mjsamps) April 10, 2015
Eric Eisenberg – Cinemablend
Big love for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Tons of fun, awesome action, and fantastic performances from all
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) April 10, 2015
Jeff Goldsmith – Cinephile, Journalist
By all means @Marvel is still firing on all cylinders – was fun to geek out to Avengers: Age of Ultron – a highly entertaining follow-up!
— Jeff Goldsmith (@yogoldsmith) April 10, 2015
Christopher Rosen & Kevin P. Sullivan – EW
Avengers: Age of Oh Yeahhhhh It's Good!
— Christopher Rosen (@chrisjrosen) April 10, 2015
Whedon stuffs Avengers Age of Ultron with an impossible amount of great geekiness. Sometimes it feels like too much, but he pulls it off!
— Kevin P. Sullivan (@KPSull) April 10, 2015
Whedon's love of Scarlet Witch and his guilt for Hawkeye's Avengers role stand out. Both are fantastic!
— Kevin P. Sullivan (@KPSull) April 10, 2015
Drew Taylor – Moviefone
#AvengersAgeOfUltron is darker, weirder and more emotional than the original. It's also the thrill ride to beat this summer.
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) April 10, 2015
Steven Weintraub – Collider
AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON is loaded with insane action, great character moments, and funny dialogue. Joss did the impossible again.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) April 10, 2015
Important to note AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON is a completely different movie than the first one. And that's why it works.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) April 10, 2015
We did see the after the credits scene at the press screening tonight but I won't spoil anything here.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) April 10, 2015
Meredith Woerner – io9
Avengers 2 is way more fun and great than the trailers let on.
— Meredith Woerner (@MdellW) April 10, 2015
Alex Zalben – MTV News
.@Avengers #AgeOfUltron might be the most true to the comic movie ever. So many images taken right off the page that made me faint with joy.
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) April 10, 2015
No spoilers, but biggest surprises: Thor is hilarious and Scarlet Witch kicks so much ass. Rest of the #Avengers ain't too shabby, either.
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) April 10, 2015
Terri Schwartz – zap2it
While #Avengers felt like a bookend to Phase 1, #AgeofUltron definitely feels like a conduit of things to come. That being said, it rocks.
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) April 10, 2015
Now it's possible that all of this glowing praise could partially be due to the adrenaline of the action-packed movie, but I'm pretty sure Avengers: Age of Ultron won't disappoint.