The force is strong with these LEGO Star Wars sets

Prepare your holiday wishlists

If there is one toy that never gets old even though I do, it's LEGO sets. While I'm generally the type that likes to build stuff off script, there are a few instances where the set is just too awesome to resist.

Case in point, these LEGO Star Wars sets. Whether you're recreating the battle on Hoth with the Snowspeeder and the AT-AT, or perhaps cruising through space with a deadly Star Destroyer is more of your thing, these sets have you covered.

LEGO Star Wars Snowspeeder

Lego Snowspeeder

If someone was to ask you what the coolest part of Empire Strikes Back is, it would probably be the battle on Hoth. And what's even better, the movie just outright starts with that. We don't even get a chance to catch our breaths after Luke gets rescued by Han, and we're immediately thrust into the battle with these cool ships against giant AT-ATs (pictured below). 

This set comes with the Snowspeeder and four minifigs. Just remember to use that tow cable!

LEGO Star Wars AT-AT


These hulking machines were also introduced in Empire Strikes Back. Considering the small size of the Snowspeeders, it seemed like the AT-ATs would have no problem taking them down. Except they didn't count on one thing… ROPE!

Sure these things can be huge and cause massive amounts of destruction, but they're also not very stable. The AT-AT also moves extremely slow, making it a prime target for the nimble Snowspeeder.

The set comes with the giant AT-AT and five minifigs.

LEGO Star Wars B-Wing


The B-Wing might not be as iconic as the X-Wing or A-Wing, but it still managed to do its part in the battle against the Death Star in Return of the Jedi.

The B-Wing has a few cool features that set it apart from its other Wing counterparts. The wings can expand, to give it full tactical agility, and the cockpit can rotate around, giving the pilot full view of his surroundings.

The set comes with the B-Wing and three minifigs.

LEGO Star Wars Star Destroyer

LEGO Star Destroyer

This LEGO set deserves to have the Imperial March playing in the background. Darth Vader's transport of choice, this giant ship not only houses a bunch of Empire's soldiers, it also stores a myriad of Tie Fighters that are always at the ready to attack the Rebel forces.

While the LEGO set might only be able to house six minifigs, and doesn't have a ton of Tie Fighters at the ready, but this beast is sure to strike fear into any other sets you might have lying around.

These LEGO sets will transform your living room into intergalactic battlegrounds between the evil Empire and the Rebel Alliance, so make sure to add these to your wishlist this holiday season!