The Global Fan Festivals for Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn are coming

Square Enix Inc has proudly announced that the Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn inaugural fan Festival will be arriving in October. For those looking to celebrate in North America, the event will be held in Los Vegas. Similar events will be occurring in London and Tokyo.

Other than that, Square hasn’t said anything else about this event. The exact dates and details are still up in the air. They have said more information will be released in June. So, if you’re a hard core FF14 festival fan, plan your trips to either or all of Vegas, London, and Tokyo today.

Offical Press Release:

LOS ANGELES (April 28, 2014) – In celebration and recognition of its growing community of players, Square Enix Inc. is proud to announce the inaugural Fan Festival for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn®.  The North American event will be held in Las Vegas this October, followed by similar events in London and Tokyo.  More information will be revealed this June.